Friday, January 29, 2010

Mommy Madness

So about a week ago, me and a couple of friends decided to relax from mommy life and hang out and catch a flick.  Well, there was no question that we all wanted to watch the Twilight Saga: New Moon, and this wasn't our first time seeing it either (my fourth actually)!  We're crazy for Twilight.  We even went to go watch a late showing.  Well, in mommy life, late showings seem to be a norm.  While the kids sleep, the mommies go out to play.  The downfall, we still need to wake-up bright and early to get breakfast ready and the kids off to school.  Welcome to my life! :)

An interesting conversation my friend had brought up.  She is a working mom and often finds herself obviously tired with dark circles under her eyes that seem to never disappear.  So being a good friend I had mentioned that plenty of sleep would help, but if she REALLY wanted something to help in her appearance she could try a corrector underneath the normal concealer she uses.  Correctors are necessary when concealers don't provide enough coverage, like the dark circles under the eyes. 

Ahh, girl talk is always fun.  So is watching New Moon.  Can't wait for the DVD!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Makeup Monday: Luscious Lips

With Valentine's Day just around the corner, here are some tips in achieving luscious lips.  Line your entire lips with a nude liner or shade similar to your natural lip color.  Now using a darker shade liner, start from the outer corner of your lip lining only halfway up your upper lip and repeat on you lower lip.   This gives the illusion of fuller lips.  Now, apply the darker shade lipstick with a lipbrush onto the outer corners of the mouth working your way in. Do not apply the darker shade onto the middle section of your lips.  Now apply a ligher color, nude or one the same shade as your natural lip color, in the middle section, blend well.  You can use a shimmer gloss for the mid-section and then finish off with a high lustre clear gloss all over lips, like MAC Lipglass clear.

Try this'll be amazed how full your lips can appear.  Now you're ready for that perfect pucker!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Makeup Monday: Waterproof It

Waterproof makeup isn't just for the beach during the summer. Try waterproofing it during the rainy season. There are more products offered in waterproof version than just mascara.  Most popular lines offer a full range of products from foundation to eyeliner to lip color. Check out your favorite cosmetic line and see what they have to offer.

What are the benefits of waterproof products?  Coming into a rainy season, we won't need to worry about makeup that runs with the rain.  This makeup will stay put.  No need to worry about that lost umbrella.  Come out into the rain and look fabulous.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Pregnant and Proud!

I had this very special client a month ago.  She happens to be a very good friend of mine as well.  She came to me to get her makeup done for her baby shower.  She was 36 weeks pregnant at the time.  What an amazing woman!  This is her third child and she looks radiant.  She gave birth on New Year's Eve to a baby girl, her second.  What a blessing it is to have this new addition to her family. 

Her look:  Pregnancy is definitely a time when hormones go crazy and our skin is not spared.  Sometimes pregnant women are susceptible to patchy skin or dark blotches in the facial area.  A great makeup base is key.  Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!!  What I did with my client/friend was apply darker foundation on the outer areas of her face especially the forehead and blended lighter shades towards the middle of her face along with a few tricks with concealer and corrector.  This allows the face to still maintain its natural coloring, but covers the blotches caused by wacky hormones as well as highlight areas of focus such as the eyes.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

"Miss America"n Beauty

I had the opportunity to be on the beauty team for the Miss San Diego America pageant at the Lyceum Theatre in San Diego.  It was an amazing experience working with these ambitious, talented and beautiful girls.  I can tell you these girls have their heads on straight.  After conversing with a few of them, they each know what they want in life and have set pretty high standards for themselves.  I was very impressed by the comradery of these group of girls who are essentially competing for the same title.  As one of the staff members had mentioned, "This is not just a pageant, it's a sorority." 

What a pleasure it was to be a part of this sorority, even for a brief moment.

The Beauty Team

Makeup Tip:  When applying makeup for stage, always apply a little darker than normal.  It may seem like much, but the stage lighting tends to flush out makeup and skin.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

First Things First

With a few weeks into 2010, we've resoluted to make healthier choices, kill old bad habits with good ones, and vow to make things a lot simpler. 

One resolution I've made is to get up every morning and take time to "enhance my given beauty".  With three kids and a husband who require my every ounce of attention, taking care of me is the first thing to go.  If you're in the same boat, take the first 5-10 minutes of your day for you.  What a difference a dab of your favorite lipgloss can make in your day. 

Resolute to make time to get focused on you for a change!